Feel free to comment. If you wish to comment on older posts, it may take a while to show up, as I've got to moderate those, but on "new" (anything in the past 5 days) they should show up immediately.
Please bear in mind that I don't have time to moderate, or to reply to, most of the comments that are here, though I will try. I humbly ask that you keep them civil and polite, and try to be as informed as you can, as that helps me just as much as anyone else. I'll also sternly refer you to Blogspot's Terms of Service, as you have to have an account or openID to comment.
I'm not responsible for any lives that are ruined, any hopes that are dashed, and any wills to live that are weakened, nor am I responsible for the damage that others may cause to you. We all have our own free wills, after all.
Feel free to email me with anything that should be removed, that is inappropriate, etc. if you should find something of that nature. Thanks, and enjoy!
[image: It seems wrong that Fruit by the Foot is only sold by weight or by
number of rolls.]
2 days ago
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